I can't believe I forgot to post these pictures of this deliciously cute baby! Does he not have the most perfect little lips you have ever laid eyes on? Love them! This little man was about 2 months old when I took these. He was very premature and spent the first part of his life in the NICU. He is doing awesome and Im a little embarrassed to admit but he is almost a year old now! Like I said I totally forgot about these! I hope you enjoy though. Thanks for looking! I love to hear your sweet words so don't forget to comment on the bottom of the post! LUVS! B~
First off.. I have posted a song and video from my absolute favorite movie. This song was not in the movie but when I saw it on YOUtube I knew I had to share it with this post about my life! When I heard this song two years ago, I fell in love and this movie is my all time favorite love story! My hubby will hate me for this but he even loved it. :0) I love how they meshed them together! So touching and romantic! I {heart} it! YOu will have to turn my tunes off in the side bar to watch this video...when it's done just click > again on the ipod! YOU got it!! :) Most of these are taken with my nifty point and shoot so......don't judge!! ;)
Ohhhhh man where do I begin? This last year has been the longest yet shortest year of my life. I know it doesn’t make any sense but have you ever felt like your were caught in a tornado of emotions and don’t know when, where and how life is going to set you down? Well I think I have both feet safe on the ground now. Thank goodness! I am having some feelings of change though and I am so ready for it. I am ready and my family is ready! I can feel it in my bones! I see great things in our future and I am stoked! It’s out with the old and in with the new! I am done wasting time and emotion on toxic friends! I am done taking things for granted! I want to look back on my life and know with all my heart and soul that I am a good person! I want to be remembered for being a strong, confident and honorable woman! A woman of integrity and love. A woman who can say she lived life to the fullest and has NO regrets! I have thought about my life a lot this last year. I have wondered and tried to understand the reasons why we have certain trials in our lives and what is to be learned from them. Those very trials have affected the person I am today and the person I will become tomorrow and in the future. WOW, that is pretty intimidating! I know I still have a lot of life left to live and plenty more trials to deal with and work through. Thankfully I have a solid rock to lean on and a hand to hold through this crazy journey we call life. I must say I am one lucky girl! I love you my Waylynn with all my heart and soul! You are my EVERYTHING! I think sometimes it is scary to say things out loud because it makes them seem so real! I believe that sometimes we don’t know the strengths within ourselves until we are tested. I know when my brother died I didn’t think my heart could hurt so badly. I mean literally felt like a chunk of it had been ripped out of my chest! When I married my best friend and man of my dreams I remember thinking that I had never felt my heart feel like it was on fire. It burned with joy and excitement of a life yet to come. When I had my babies it wept with happiness. I never new I could feel so much love for such a little person! I know my trials are probably no different than others and I know we all feel these different emotions at different times in our lives and they all make us stronger and better people. We learn from them and grow from them. We will all need to try to be thankful for them. I know it is hard to wrap your mind around…especially when you are going through those hard times. It seems impossible that the hell you are going through is supposed to be a learning experience. That you’re supposed to forgive and forget. How do you forgive and not feel and ache for those who have no choice but to feel the effects of a horrible and selfish choice. Forgiveness is something that takes years and a whole lot of courage. I will definitely have to work on that one. Life is not easy. Life is sometimes unfair, but life is all we have so we better live it….RIGHT?! WOW…. Sorry about that long rant, but it brings me to this….. There will always be those people out there that try their darndest to bring you down, to turn your words and thoughts into poison. Those people that don’t care who they hurt or what is in their way as long as they get what they want. Don’t falter…..stand for what you believe in, and be proud of the person you are because you will only become stronger and more beautiful!! I stole this little saying from a friend because I liked it so much! “ They say there is no softer pillow than a clear conscience, it must be horrible to sleep on a bed of bricks every night!”
As I am sitting here watching the snow falling and thinking about this holiday season approaching I just want to tell my family just how thankful I am for THEM and how much I love and adore them. I know I don’t tell them nearly enough. My most gorgeous husband is my rock….REALLY! He has always been there for me! His arms are my comfort and my security and my bubble that I can feel safe in. There is NOTHING like that feeling! Our babies are the best too. They make me a better person. They make me remember the little things and to cherish them with all I have! I wouldn’t be the person I am today without my family! I am incredibly blessed to have them all in my life! I have learned something different from each and every one of them and for them I am so thankful.
Now enough of all that lets see some pix..... Here is a little bit of our year, it has been incredibly fun! Sorry for the long post but I promise I will only do this every once in awhile! Thanks for looking!
This is one of my most favorite places to be.....so calm and relaxing! Such a great place to gather your thoughts and just be with nature! Im not gonna tell you where it is....then it wouldn't be mine anymore!! ;)
My SMOKIN HOT hubster!
My Riv loves to go shoot with Grandpa! Mom kinda likes it too and we both are pretty good shots....WATCH OUT!
Our kiddos + a beautiful sunset= SIMPLICITY AND LOVE!
Florida..... I belong near an ocean! I {heart} warm,sandy and salt scented places!
These are my Nature Pix for the season! What a beautiful state we live in!
Ok so I guess I have to admit I was more excited then my kids to actually see Donald and Daisy! We have been there many times and had yet to see them! Fun for Mom! :)
EWWWW La La... our Anniversary! The rest are for my eyes only! XOXOXO
Camping.....LOVE IT!
RACE FOR THE CURE!! Love and miss you Grandma LuJene! I think about you often! Keep up the fight all you beautiful woman out there!
Mother's Day in Santa Barbara.... Sooo romantic and absolutly breathtaking!
Some of these pictures are all out of order but what the heck, I didn't want to mess with them! I am looking forward to this new year and making some changes! I am so excited to meet some new peeps and take some awesome pictures! So what do you say...... give me a jingle! Thanks again for looking!
The fine print: These shoots can be for a family of up to 4 people. For every cute person after that... add $10. Up to 6! Editing will be done by the first week in December. These shoots will be at a location of my choice and will be taken back to back! Email me with any other questions! saylerbug@yahoo.com
Thanks for looking everyone..... Now let's take some Pictures!! LOVE Y'ALL!!! :0)
I am such a slacker lately seriously! I have had so much going on that I just haven't had time to post! I am so sorry! But I promise I am going to make up for it with this adorable baby boy! I heart Babies! So innocent and precious! Makes you forget all your problems and just want to hold them close and protect them from this horrible world we live in! We all need to take time to give our babies loves and hugs and never let them go cause you never know what tomorrow will bring! This little guy was so sweet! ENJOY!
Leave me some LOVE! I love to hear what you have to say!
Ohhhh My..... Where does the time go.... SERIOUSLY? My Sayler is 10 years old!! It is actually a little bitter sweet! She is turning into a little woman and she couldn't make me more proud! She is Sweet and somewhat Sassy! She is Smart and Beautiful! She is Funny and Talented! She loves Justin Beber..... She loves to Dance(Ballroom.....actually any kind of dance) Her favorite food is anything seafood (she is gonna be an expensive date)..... I guess that's a good thing :0) She loves her Momma and to hang out with her friends. She loves Ice cream and Cafe Rio!! She loves to shop(as long as it's for HER)!! She has the most beautiful strawberry blonde hair.......... She also has these freckles that bring a big smile to my face! I love that when she spends time in the sun.....more freckles come!! I love that she is a girly girl when she wants to be but then she is my little sports star when she wants to be!
The best thing about her is...... She's alllllll mine and I am so thankful for her!
She makes me a better person and she makes me believe that life is an incredible gift and to live it to the fullest!! I love you my little Saysee! You changed my life 10 years ago and I hope all your Fairytales come true! I hope you never have to feel the pain of a broken heart or to have to go through life with sorrow or what could have been's! I hope that you make LIFE your Mission and that you are happy with the choices you make! Only YOU can make yourself HAPPY! YOU are in control of your life and YOUR happiness......make everyday count and live every day like it's your last!! I love you babe! You are my ANGEL and my bestest buddy! Don't ever forget that!
My Babies are the cutest!! Just Sayin........... :0)
What would a post be if I didn't include some Pix of the most HANDSOME LITTLE MAN on the Planet.... AGAIN..........Just Sayin!!
Hello Everyone!! Welcome to my blog!
I am a Mommy to two beautiful kids and
a wife to an amazing husband who supports me with all of my crazy ventures.Photography is one of my passions. I have been taking pictures as a hobby for a long time now and I decided that I would love to start a business doing what I love. Hope you like what you see! If you do leave a comment, I would love to know what you think! Thanks so much for stopping by! If you have questions or want to set up a shoot, email me at saylerbug@yahoo.com
All images are copyrighted by Brooklynn Photography. Please leave them where they belong unless you have written permission by me! Thanks!
For pricing and availability email me at saylerbug@yahoo.com
Important Info....
A $75 non-refundable deposit is due when you book your date!! You can mail the deposit to me.... if I don't recieve it within 10 days you will loose your day!!